Variable Reference

Providing that you import the SCSS files into your project in the correct order, you can override any of the default variables below in your own project's SCSS files.

Sizing System

Variable Default value Description
$root-size 16px The base size that $sizing-system and $type-scale are calculated from. You probably don't want to change this.
$sizing-system (SCSS map) A map of key: value pairs used in the get-size() function - where key is the size reference, and value is the actual CSS size. The map is designed to scale progressively and usually doesn't need modifying.
$element-padding get-size(1.5) A global padding variable which can be used for consistent inner padding across elements.
$element-margin get-size(1.5) A global margin variable which can be used for consistent bottom margins across elements.


Variable Default value Description
$type-scale (SCSS map) A map of key: value pairs used to generate font sizes. These are output as custom CSS properties eg --font-size-2. The map is designed to scale progressively and usually doesn't need modifying.
$font-sizes-h1, $font-sizes-h2,$font-sizes-h3,$font-sizes-h4,$font-sizes-h5,$font-sizes-h6, (SCSS map) A map of key: value pairs used to size heading elements responsively. The key should be a valid breakpoint from the $breakpoints map; the value should be a font size in the $type-scale map.
$root-font-size var(--font-size-0) The root font size at the smallest device size.

This is output as a custom CSS property --root-font-size; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(root-font-size). The CSS property is automatically overwritten at each breakpoint defined in the $breakpoints map.
$root-line-height 1.5 The root line-height at the smallest device size.

This is output as a custom CSS property --root-line-height; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(root-line-height). The CSS property is automatically overwritten at each breakpoint defined in the $breakpoints map.
$font-primary -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" Primary font stack.

This is output as a custom CSS property --font-primary; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(font-primary)
$root-secondary var(--font-primary) Secondary font stack.

This is output as a custom CSS property --font-secondary; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(font-secondary)
$font-monospace "SFMono-Regular", Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace Monospace font stack used for code tags.

This is output as a custom CSS property --font-monospace; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(font-monospace)
$font-body var(--font-primary) The font stack used for body copy.
$font-headings var(--font-secondary) The font stack used for headings.
Helper variables for font weights. You shouldn't usually need to change these.
$heading-line-height 1.2 Line height for h1-h6 tags.
$heading-weight $weight-medium Font weight for h1-h6 tags.


Variable Default value Description
$colors (SCSS map) A map of key: value pairs used to generate theme colors.

These are output as custom CSS properties eg --color-primary-500; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling the get-color() function.
$color-white #ffffff Pure white, used for various SCSS functions. Shouldn't be changed.

This is output as a custom CSS property --color-white; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(color-white)
$color-black #000000 Pure black, used for various SCSS functions. Shouldn't be changed.

This is output as a custom CSS property --color-black; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(color-black)
$body-background-color var(--color-white) The background color for the body tag.

This is output as a custom CSS property --color-background; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(color-background)
$background-colors (SCSS map) A map of key: value pairs used to generate background colors.

These are output as a custom CSS property --color-background on the corresponding .bg-* modifier class.
$color-text get-color-raw(neutral, 1000) The default color for body copy. This needs to resolve to a valid CSS color value, hence the use of get-color-raw()

This is output as a custom CSS property --color-text; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(color-text)
$color-headings-preferred get-color-raw(neutral, 700) The default color for headings. This needs to resolve to a valid CSS color value, hence the use of get-color-raw()

This is output as a custom CSS property --color-headings-preferred; the recommended way to reference within your SCSS files is by calling v(color-headings-preferred)


Variable Default value Description
$link-color get-color(primary) The color for all unvisited links.
$link-active get-color(primary, 700) The color for all hovered links.
$link-visited get-color(primary, 300) The color for all visited links.


Variable Default value Description
$breakpoints (SCSS map) Multi-dimensional map of breakpoint settings.


Variable Default value Description
$buttons .button, a.button, button, [type=submit], [type=reset], [type=button] List of elements to target with base button styling. Should usually not be edited.
$button-border-width 1px Button border width
$button-border-radius get-size(0.5) Button border radius
$button-font-family var(--font-secondary) Button font family
$button-padding-xsmall 0.5em 0.75em Button padding when utility class .xsmall is added
$button-padding-small 0.6em 1em Button padding when utility class xsmall is added
$button-padding 0.75em 1.25em Default button padding
$button-padding-large 0.75em 1.5em Button padding when utility class .large is added
$button-text-transform none Button text transform
$button-font-weight $weight-bold Button font weight
$button-font-size-xsmall var(--font-size--2) Button font size when utility class .xsmall is added
$button-font-size-small var(--font-size--1) Button font size when utility class .small is added
$button-font-size var(--font-size-0) Default button font size
$button-font-size-large var(--font-size-1) Button font size when utility class .large is added
$button-hover-value 700 The shade to use from makeColorPalette() for button hover states. Note: setting this variable to 500 will prevent hover states being created
$button-disabled-opacity 0.65 The opacity to use for buttons that are disabled
$button-list-button-margin get-size(0.5) The margins to use around buttons in a .button-list
$button-base-color primary The base color to use for buttons, must be a valid color from the $colors SCSS map


Variable Default value Description
$generate-callouts true Whether or not to generate the css for .callout elements.
$callout-border-radius 0px The border radius for .callout elements.
$callout-border-width 1px 1px 1px get-size(0.5) The border width for .callout elements.
$callout-border-style solid The border style for .callout elements.
$callout-padding $element-padding The padding for .callout elements.


Variable Default value Description
$card-border-radius get-size(0.75) The border radius for .card elements.
$callout-border-width 1px The border width for .card elements.
$callout-border-style solid The border style for .card elements.
$callout-border-color get-color(neutral, 300) The border color for .card elements.
$card-padding $element-padding The padding for .card-section elements.


Variable Default value Description
$modal-backdrop-color #000 The colour for the backdrop (overlay) of .modal elements.
$modal-backdrop-opacity 0.9 The opacity for the backdrop (overlay) of .modal elements.
$modal-max-width 900px The maximum width for .modal elements.
$modal-border none The border style for .modal elements.
$modal-border-radius get-size(0.5) The border-radius style for .modal elements.
$modal-outer-margin get-size(4) The outer margin around .modal elements.
$modal-padding get-size(1.5) The inner padding for .modal elements.
$modal-close-icon-svg get-size(0.5) The border-radius style for .modal elements.
$modal-close-icon-svg data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 40 40'%3E%3Cpath d='M10.3,10.3l19.3,19.3 M10.3,29.7l19.3-19.3' stroke='currentColor' stroke-width='6' stroke-linecap='square' /%3E%3C/svg%3E An SVG for use as the .modal arrow icon.
$modal-arrow-icon-svg data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 40 40'%3E%3Cpath d='M15.5,4.9L30.6,20 M15.5,35.1L30.6,20' stroke='currentColor' stroke-width='6' stroke-linecap='square' /%3E%3C/svg%3E An SVG for use as the .modal prev/next arrows.


Variable Default value Description
$generate-chips true Whether or not to generate the css for .chip elements.
$chip-padding 0.25em 0.3em The padding for .chip elements.
$chip-border-radius get-size(0.25) The border radius for .chip elements.
$chip-border-width 1px The border width for .chip elements.
$chip-border-style solid The border style for .chip elements.
$chip-font-weight $weight-normal The font weight for .chip elements.
$chip-font-size var(--font-size--1) The font size for .chip elements.


Coming Soon!


Variable Default value Description
$cols 12 How many columns to use in your grid. You can change this if you want, but you probably want to keep it at 12.
$grid-has-order true Whether or not to generate .order-* modifier classes
$grid-has-offset true Whether or not to generate .offset-* modifier classes
$debug-mode-on false Enable debug mode
$base-col-name xs The base name for $breakpoint-style modifiers at the smallest screen widths.
$base-container-gutter get-size(1.5) The base gutter around the .container element, used on the smallest screen widths.
$base-col-gutter get-size(1) The base gutter around .col elements, used on the smallest screen widths. The CSS property --grid-gutter is automatically overwritten at each breakpoint defined in the $breakpoints map.

Coming Soon!

Progress Bars

Variable Default value Description
$generate-progressbar true Whether or not to generate the css modifiers for progress elements.
$progressbar-height get-size(1) The height property for progress elements.
$progressbar-border-radius get-size(0.5) The border-radius for progress elements.
$progressbar-value-border-radius 0px The border-radius for the actual value in progress elements.
$progressbar-indeterminate-duration 5s The speed for progress element indeterminate states.


Variable Default value Description
$table-border-color get-color(neutral, 300) The color of table borders.
$table-stripe-color get-color(neutral, 25) The color to use for alternate rows when a table has a modifier class of .is-striped.
$table-hover-background get-color(neutral, 50) The color to use for hovered rows when a table has a modifier class of .is-hoverable.
$table-hover-color var(--color-text) The color to use for text in a hovered row when a table has a modifier class of .is-hoverable.
$table-cell-padding 0.5em 0.8em The padding to use within th and td elements.
$table-responsive-breakpoint 900px The screen width at which a table collapses to a responsive table, when the modifier class of .is-responsive is applied.


Variable Default value Description
$global-transition 0.2s ease The global transition used in the smooth() function


Variable Default value Description
$accessibility-focus-color rgb(0, 140, 255) The color used for the outline when an element receives keyboard-focus.
$accessibility-focus-outline-width 3px The width used for the outline when an element receives keyboard-focus.
$accessibility-focus-outline-offset 2px The offset used for the outline when an element receives keyboard-focus.
$force-color-contrast-ratio true Whether to force color to black when using choose-contrast-color() if the $color-text does not have sufficient contrast.
$accessibility-button-font-weight $weight-bold The font weight to use for font size control buttons
$accessibility-button-color get-color(neutral, 500) The color to use for font size control buttons
$accessibility-button-hover-color $link-active The color to use for font size control buttons when they are hovered
$accessibility-button-active-color inherit The color to use for font size control buttons when they are active
$accessibility-button-border-bottom 2px The border-width to use to denote the active setting when using font size control buttons
$accessibility-button-hover-border-color get-color(secondary) The border-color to use to denote the hovered setting when using font size control buttons
$accessibility-button-active-border-color inherit The border-color to use to denote the active setting when using font size control buttons