Accessibility[ Variable Reference ]

Screen reader text

Add a class of .screen-reader-text to an element to remove it from the DOM whilst keeping it readable to screen-readers and search engines.

Find out more about Jellyfish, the CSS framework

:focus-visible outlines

Jellyfish includes clear focus highlighting of buttons, anchors, and inputs to aid users navigating a website via keyboard. To preserve design aesthetics these styles will not be applied when a user is navigating with a mouse - with the exception of input fields which, by specification, should inherit :focus-visible when active. See this directive for clarification.

Go ahead and tab...

Basic link

Button Link

Increase font size globally

Add a class .font-size-sm, .font-size-md or .font-size-lg to the body element to change the base font size. This will allow visitors with limited eye sight to increase the size of type throughout the site.

For a quick and easy way to implement this feature, you can add the code snippet below to your project.

Note: this approach uses javascript to set a Cookie 'fontsize' to ensure that the setting is persistent across the site.

Adjust font size: